What is Cancer?

Cancer is the uncontrolled proliferation by disrupting the structure of cells that make up an organ or tissue. This uncontrolled reproduction distorts the shape of the organ and begins to grow over time. The rate of growth varies according to the structure of the organ or tissue and the type of cancer cells. Over time, they also spread to the surrounding tissues.

Prostate Cancer

The most important risk factors for prostate cancer are: age, family history and race.


Prostate cancer is cancer of advanced age and the risk increases with age.

Bladder Cancer

Due to the “aromatic amines” and “policyclic aromatic hydrocarbon” it contains, cigarettes are shown as the strongest risk factor for bladder cancer today. Smoking is detected in half of the patients with bladder cancer.

Kidney Cancer

Kidney cancer is malignant (malignant) cell growth within the kidney. Tumors in the kidney can also be benign. Cancer is the name given to malignant tumors. There are different tumor types and different disease stages in the kidney.

Testicular Cancer

The testicles are a pair of egg-shaped organs located under the penis in men and inside a thin bag called the scrotum. Its task is to produce the male hormone called Testosterone and sperm cells.

Laparoscopy Surgical

Laparoscopy, in the surgical treatment of the abdominal organs, without large surgical incisions, with long-thin surgical instruments accompanied by an image obtained with a telescope connected to a camera through trocars (<1 cm) inserted through several (3-5) small (<1 cm) holes. is the surgery technique performed.

Frequently asked Questions

What is cancer? how is it formed?

What are the risk factors for bladder cancer?

How is bladder cancer suspected and how is it diagnosed?

What are the types of bladder cancer?

How is bladder cancer staged?

What are the treatment options in bladder cancer?

What awaits patients after bladder removal?

How does kidney cancer occur?

What are the risk factors for kidney cancer? Does genetics play a role?

How is kidney cancer diagnosed?

What are the sub-types of kidney cancer?

How is kidney cancer staged?

What are the treatment options in kidney cancer?

What is the importance of laparoscopy in kidney cancer?

What is testicular cancer?

What are the risk factors for testicular cancer?

How is testicular cancer suspected and how is it diagnosed?

What are the sub-types of testicular cancer?

How is testicular cancer staged?

What are the treatment modalities for testicular cancer?

What affects the prognosis in testicular cancer?